Constitutional Law II: Individual Rights

Course Description

This course introduces students to the constitutional principles that govern the relationship between individuals and the state. It explores the concept of national citizenship and examines the limits on governmental action imposed by the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment, as well as by the First Amendment. The course also introduces the state action doctrine and the power of Congress and the courts to remedy constitutional violations.

Current and Previous Instructors

Key to Codes in Course Descriptions

P: Prerequisite
C: Prerequisite or Concurrent Requirement
R: Recommended Prior or Concurrent Course

Currently Scheduled Sections

CRN: 98940

  • Fall '24
  • 3
  • 160
  • Tues: 9:50-11:50
    Thurs: 9:50-10:45


  • Max Stearns

  • 0 openings. (Limit 60). Second Year Day Required
  • 529a

  • Constitutional Law, 9th Edition

    ISBN: 9781543838510

CRN: 97684

  • Fall '24
  • 3
  • 205
  • Mon: 8:45-10:45
    Wed: 8:45-9:40


  • Guha Krishnamurthi

  • 0 openings. (Limit 62). Second Year Day Required
  • 529a


    ISBN: 9781647083618

CRN: 98018

  • Fall '24
  • 3
  • 205
  • Thurs: 10:55-12:55
    plus +1 asynchronous


  • Leslie Meltzer Henry

  • 0 openings. (Limit 60). Second Year Day Required
  • 529a

  • Materials to be posted on Blackboard or distributed in class

    Constitutional Law, Ninth Edition

    ISBN: 9781543838510

    Students must have the ninth edition of the textbook. They may purchase it new or used, in hardcover or in digital form. The Connected E-Book and Study Center, which Aspen offers when purchasing the book new, is not required.