Many people, especially those with low incomes, find themselves in serious debt. The creditors keep calling, but the debt just keeps growing. Historically, debtors were sent to prison. But in America, we have a system of bankruptcy law that provides relief and a fresh start for honest, but unfortunate debtors who are in financial trouble.
This six-credit clinic is a terrific opportunity to learn legal concepts involving commercial, collections, domestic, real property, tort, criminal, and other areas of law regarding their application in the federal bankruptcy court system while helping consumers address their financial burdens by filing chapter 7 bankruptcies. In addition to classroom time discussing legal theory and practice regarding chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcies, you will work closely with an experienced consumer bankruptcy practitioner in their office preparing chapter 7 petitions. The time spent with the practitioner will give you invaluable experience in learning how a law practice operates and will hone your attorney-client skills. Additionally, you wlll be appearing in bankruptcy court representing your clients not only at meetings of creditors but in front of bankruptcy judges in open court.