Legal Profession
Course Description
Legal Profession examines the activities and responsibilities of the lawyer and the lawyer’s relationship with clients, the legal profession, the courts, and the public. The course treats the lawyer’s fiduciary duty to clients, the provision of adequate legal services, and the reconciliation of the lawyer’s obligation to clients, in and out of court, with the demands of the proper administration of justice and the public interest. The course includes substantial instruction on the rules of professional conduct and provides essential preparation for the practice of law. Students will learn through, among other things, lectures (including asynchronous, recorded lectures), class discussions, actual case studies and discussions by leading attorneys in their fields. At the discretion of the Associate Dean, this course may be offered for either two or three credits.
Students may not take both Legal Profession and Legal Profession/Reasoning & Rhetoric.
Current and Previous Instructors
Key to Codes in Course Descriptions
P: Prerequisite
C: Prerequisite or Concurrent Requirement
R: Recommended Prior or Concurrent Course
Currently Scheduled Sections
CRN: 23045
- Spring '25
- 3
Mon: 6:30-9:35
Donald Tobin
- 7 openings. (Limit 50). Special Approval
Lisa Lerman, Phillip Schrag, Robert Rubinson, Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law (6th Edition) , Aspen , 2022
ISBN: 10-1543846211
Students may buy the print or electronic copy. The exam software does not allow you to access the internet. If you use the electronic copy, you will need to download it to your computer.
CRN: 23046
- Spring '25
- 2
Thurs: 12:00-2:00
Russell McClain
- 0 openings. (Limit 50).
Materials to be posted on Blackboard or distributed in class