Book Chapters
Mass Surveillance in the Age of COVID-19, in Pandemic Surveillance: Privacy, Security, and Data Ethics 6 (Margaret Hu ed., 2022) (with David Gray).
Investigative Genetic Genealogy and the Problem of Familial Forensic Identification, in Consumer Genetic Technologies: Ethical and Legal Considerations 211 (I. Glenn Cohen et al. eds., 2021). Abstract
Incomplete Commodification in American Law, in The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Health Law (David Orentlicher & Tamara K. Harvey eds., 2021).
Introduction to Incomplete Commodification and Its Creeping Counterpart, in The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Health Law (David Orentlicher & Tamara K. Harvey eds., 2021) (with Stéphanie Hennette Vauchez).
Certificates of Confidentiality and Mandatory Reporting, JAMA Pediatrics, May 6, 2024, doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2024.0900 (with Leslie E. Wolf & Elizabeth J. Letourneau).
Certificates of Confidentiality: Privileging Research Data, 11 Journal of Law & the Biosciences 1 (2024) (with Leslie E. Wolf, Jorge Contreras & Laura M. Beskow). Abstract
Act on a Mandate to Protect Research Subjects' Privacy, 386 Science 1096 (2024) (with Leslie E. Wolf).
Ethical and Legal Wastewater Surveillance, 379 Science 652 (2023) (with William Shuster, Lance Gable & Jeffrey L. Ram). Abstract
The Ethics of Human Sequences in Environmental Samples, Nature Ecology & Evolution, May 15, 2023,
Familial Searches, The Fourth Amendment, and Genomic Control, 96 Southern California Law Review Postscript 1 (2023) (with Jacob S. Sherkow & Carl A. Gunter). Abstract
Generating Genuine Data Protection, Jotwell (July 25, 2023) (reviewing Carleen M. Zubrzycki, The Abortion Interoperability Trap, 132 Yale L.J.F. 197 (2022)).
Constitutional Confidentiality, 80 Washington & Lee Law Review 1349 (2023) (with Jorge L. Contreras, Laura M. Beskow & Leslie E. Wolf). Abstract
America's Hidden National DNA Database, 100 Texas Law Review 1253 (2022).
The Future of Wastewater Monitoring for the Public Health, 56 University of Richmond Law Review 911 (2022) (with Lance Gable & Jeffrey L. Ram). Abstract
Regulating Forensic Genetic Genealogy, 373 Science 1444 (2021) (with Erin E. Murphy and Sonia M. Suter).
Mass Surveillance in the Age of COVID-19, Journal of Law & the Biosciences, June 2020, doi:10.1093/jlb/lsaa023 (with David Gray).
Legal and Ethical Implications of Wastewater SARS-CoV-2 Monitoring for COVID-19 Surveillance, 7 Journal of Law & the Biosciences, no. 1, lsaa039 (2020) (with Lance Gable and Jeffrey L. Ram). Abstract
Investigative Genetic Genealogy and the Future of Genetic Privacy, 16 SciTech Lawyer, Summer 2020, at 18.
Genetic Privacy After Carpenter, 105 Virginia Law Review 1357 (2019). Abstract
Forensic Genealogy and the Power of Defaults, 37 Nature Biotechnology 707 (2019) (with Jessica L. Roberts).
Incidental Informants: Police Can Use Genealogy Databases to Help Identify Criminal Relatives--But Should They?, Maryland Bar Journal, July/August 2018, at 8.
Innovating Criminal Justice, 112 Northwestern University Law Review 659 (2018). Abstract
Science as Speech, 102 Iowa Law Review 1187 (2017). Abstract
Body Banking from the Bench to the Bedside, 129 Harvard Law Review 491 (2015) (reviewing Kara W. Swanson, Banking on the Body: The Market in Blood, Milk, and Sperm in Modern America (2014)).
DNA by the Entirety, 115 Columbia Law Review 872 (2015). Abstract
Fortuity and Forensic Familial Identification, 63 Stanford Law Review 751 (2011). Abstract
The Mismatch Between Probable Cause and Partial Matching, 118 Yale Law Journal Pocket Part 182 (2009). Abstract
Assigning Rights and Protecting Interests: Constructing Ethical and Efficient Legal Rights in Human Tissue Research, 23 Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 119 (2009). Abstract
Tiered Consent and the Tyranny of Choice, 48 Jurimetrics 253 (2008). Abstract