The Drama of DNA: Narrative Genomics (2014) (with Lynn W. Bush). Abstract
Editor, Women and Prenatal Testing: Facing the Challenges of Genetic Technology (1994) (with E. Thomson).
Book Chapters
Eugenics, Genetics and Gender: Theatre and the Role of Women, in Perceptions of Promise: Biotechnology, Society and Art (Sean Caulfield, Curtis Gillespie & Timothy Caulfield eds., 2011). Abstract
The Social Implications of the Use of Stored Tissue Samples: Context, Control, and Community, in Genetic Testing and the Use of Information 84 (C. Long, ed. 1999). Abstract
Women's Health and Predictive Genetic Testing: Ethical, Legal and Social Challenges, in Genetics and Women's Health 17 (1997).
Genetic Information Challenges for Public Policy, in Exploring Public Policy Issues in Genetics 98 (Mark S. Frankel, ed. 1997).
Predictive Genetic Testing for Cancer: Ethical, Legal, Social and Public Policy Challenges, in Accomplishments in Cancer Research 209 (1996).
Reproductive Choice and Reality: An Assessment of Tort Liability for Health-Care Providers and Women with HIV/AIDS, in HIV, AIDS & Childbearing: Public Policy, Private Lives (Fade & Kans, eds.1996).
Gestational Surrogacy and the Health Care Provider, in The Beginning of Human Life 101 (F.K. Belle & R. F. Weir eds., 1994). Abstract
The Good Mother: The Limits of Reproductive Accountability and Genetic Choice, in Women and Prenatal Testing: Facing the Challenges of Genetic Technology (Rothenberg and Thomson ed., 1994) (with A. Charo).
Surrogacy and the Health Care Professional: Baby M and Beyond, in Surrogate Motherhood: Politics and Privacy 184 (Larry Gostin ed., 1990).
Setting the Stage: Enhancing Understanding of Bioethical Challenges with Theatre, 11 Indiana Health Law Review 1 (2014). Abstract
Finding Fault?: Exploring Legal Duties to Return Incidental Findings in Genomic Research, 102 Georgetown Law Journal 795 (2014) (with Elizabeth R. Pike and Benjamin E. Berkman). Abstract
Reflections on the Cost of "Low Cost" Whole Genome Sequencing: Framing the Health Policy Debate, 11 PLoS Biology e1001699 (2013) (with others). Abstract
Probiotics: Finding the Right Regulatory Balance, 342 Science 6156 (2013) (with others). Abstract
Genes and Plays: Bringing ELSI Issues to Life, 14 Genetics in Medicine 274 (2012) (with Lynn Bush). Abstract
Teaching Law Students to be Policymakers: The Health and Science Workshop on Genomic Research, 40 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 147 (2012) (with Benjamin E. Berkman). Abstract
Dialogues, Dilemmas, and Disclosures: Genomic Research and Incidental Findings, 14 Genetics in Medicine 293 (2012) (with Lynn Bush). Abstract
Mixed Messages: The Intersection of Prenatal Genetic Testing and Abortion, 55 Howard Law Journal 983 (2012) (with Rachel Rebouché). Abstract
Manipulating Fate: Medical Innovations, Ethical Implications, Theatrical Illuminations, 13 Houston Journal of Health Law & Policy 1 (2012). Abstract
From Eugenics to the "New" Genetics: The Play's The Thing, 79 Fordham Law Review 407 (2010). Abstract
Recalibrating the Moral Compass: Expanding “Thinking Like a Lawyer” Into “Thinking Like a Leader,” 40 University of Toledo Law Review 411 (2009). Abstract
Judging Genes: Implications of the Second Generation of Genetic Tests in the Courtroom, 66 Maryland Law Review 858 (2007). Abstract
National Institutes of Health State-of-the-Science Conference Statement Cesarean Delivery on Maternal Request, 107 Obstetrics & Gynecology 1386 (2006). Abstract
The Scarlet Gene: Behavioral Genetics, Criminal Law, and Racial and Ethnic Stigma, Law & Contemporary Problems, Winter/Spring 2006, at 343 (with Alice Wang). Abstract
When Should Judges Admit or Compel Genetic Tests?, 310 Science 241 (2005) (with Diane Hoffmann). Abstract
Whose Duty is it Anyway?: The Kennedy Krieger Opinion and its Implications for Public Health Research, 6 Journal of Health Care Law & Policy 109 (2002) (with Diane Hoffmann). Abstract
Before It’s Too Late – Addressing Fear of Genetic Information, 297 Science 196 (2002) (with Sharon F. Terry).
Consent to the Use of Stored DNA for Genetics Research: A Survey of Attitudes in the Jewish Population, 98 American Journal of Medical Genetics 336 (2001) Abstract
The Practice of Law, 31 University of Toledo Law Review 731 (2000) Abstract
Privacy in Genetics Research, 285 Science 1359 (1999) (with others) Abstract
Being Human: Cloning and the Challenges for Public Policy, 27 Hofstra Law Review 639
(1999). Abstract
Toward a Framework of Mutualism: The Jewish Community in Genetics Research,1 Community Genetics 148 (1998). Abstract
Genetic Discrimination and Health Insurance: A Call for Legislative Action, 52 Journal of the American Medical Women's Association 43 (1997). Abstract
Breast Cancer, The Genetic 'Quick Fix,' and the Jewish Community, 7 Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine 97 (1997). Abstract
Genetic Information and the Workplace: Legislative Approaches and Policy Challenges, 275 Science 1755 (1997) (with others). Abstract
Cancer Genetics Susceptibility Testing: Ethical and Policy Implications for Future Research and Clinical Practice, 25 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 243 (1997) (with others). Abstract
Feminism, Law and Bioethics, 6 Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 69 (1996). Abstract
Gender Matters: Implications for Clinical Research and Women's Health Care, 32 Houston Law Review 1201 (1996). Abstract
Women of Childbearing Potential in Clinical Research: Perspectives on NIH Policy and Liability Issues, 13 Food, Drug, Cosmetic and Medical Device Law Digest 7 (1996) (with others). Abstract
New Perspectives for Teaching & Scholarship: The Role of Gender in Law and Health Care, 54 Maryland Law Review 473 (1995). Abstract
The Risk of Domestic Violence and Women with HIV Infection: Implications for Partner Notification, Public Policy, and the Law, 85 American Journal of Public Health 1569 (1995) (with S. Paskey).
Genetic Information and Health Insurance: State Legislative Approaches, 23 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 312 (1995).
Genetic Discrimination and Health Insurance: An Urgent Need for Reform, 270 Science 391 (1995) (with others).
Domestic Violence & Partner Notification: Implications for Treatment and Counseling of Women with HIV, Journal of the American Medical Women's Association May/Aug. 1995, at 87 (with others).
Something Old, Something New: The Challenge of Tuberculosis Control in the Age of AIDS, 42 Buffalo Law Review 715 (1994) (with Law Lovoy). Abstract
The Law's Response to Reproductive Genetic Testing: Questioning Assumptions About Choice, Causation, and Control, 8 Fetal Diagnosis & Therapy 160 (1993). Abstract
Reproductive Genetic Testing: Impact Upon Women--Introduction, 8 Fetal Diagnosis & Therapy 2 (1993) (with E. Thomson).
Partner Notification and the Threat of Domestic Violence Against Women with HIV Infection, 329 New Eng. J. Med. 1194 (1993) (with R. North). Abstract
National Institute of Health Workshop Statement -- Reproductive Genetic Testing: Impact on Women, 51 Am. J. Human Genetics 1161 (1992) (with E. Thomson et al.) Abstract
Myth and Reality: The Threat of Medical Malpractice Claims by Low Income Women, 20 Law, Medicine & Health Care 403 (1992). Abstract
The Duty to Warn 'Dilemma' and Women with AIDS: Redefining the 'Foreseeable Victim', 2 Courts, Health Science & the Law 90 (1991) (with R. Law North), reprinted in Contemporary Issues in Bioethics (1994).
Gestational Surrogacy and the Health Care Provider: Put Part of the 'IVF Genie' Back Into the Bottle, 18 Law, Medicine & Health Care 345 (1991). Abstract
The Right to Forego Life-Sustaining Treatment: Legal Trends and Emerging Issues, 11 Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration 480 (1989) Abstract
The Duty to Warn Dilemma: A Framework for Resolution, 4 AIDS & Public Policy Journal 133 (1989) (with R. Law North).
Foregoing Life-Sustaining Treatment: What are the Legal Limits in an Aging Society?, 33 St. Louis University Law Journal 575 (1989). Abstract
Who Cares?: The Evolution of the Legal Duty to Provide Emergency Care, 26 Houston Law Review 21 (1989), reprinted in Personal Injury Review 253 (1989) and Specialty Law Digest: Health Care 7 (1990). Abstract
Introduction: The AIDS Project: Creating a Public Health Policy, 48 Maryland Law Review 93 (1989). Abstract
Baby M, The Surrogacy Contract, and the Health Law Professional: Unanswered Questions, 16 Law, Medicine & Health Care 113 (1988) Abstract
Psychosocial, Legal, and Ethical Dimensions of Ultra-sound Imaging in Pregnancy, in Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging in Pregnancy (1984) (with others). Abstract
Note, The Application of the Tarasoff Duty to Forensic Psychiatry, 66 Virginia Law Review 715 (1980).