Professor Max Stearns publishes essay in Time

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Published March 20, 2024 in Time

America Should Embrace a Parliamentary Democracy

By Max Stearns

Our nation faces the serious threat of electing Donald Trump for a second term despite his willingness, even enthusiasm, for gutting vital democratic norms. What appears to be a glitch in the U.S. electoral system is actually an inherent feature: it can produce a dictator.

Many voters regard our centuries-old system as fundamentally sound and wise. But this view is mistaken: Our two-party presidential scheme produced Donald Trump. And ending the risk of electing a dictator means giving up our right to vote for one...

Max Stearns is the Venable, Baetjer & Howard Professor of Law. He is the author of PARLIAMENTARY AMERICA: The Least Radical Means of Radically Repairing Our Broken Democracy

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