From Lectures to Life: Navigating Business Law Principles Beyond the Classroom

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The fall semester at Maryland Carey continued to showcase the Business Law Program’s dedication to providing a comprehensive and practical education. Through the monthly series of “Lunch & Learn” sessions, the students had access to a wide range of academic and life opportunities. 

Tax Touches Everything 

In September, the Business Law Program had the privilege of hosting former Dean Professor Donald Tobin for a lunch and learn session titled "Tax Touches Everything." Professor Tobin's expertise in tax law provided students with a comprehensive overview of its pervasive influence across various legal domains. Tobin underscored the theme of his talk by challenging the audience to name an area of law. Once challenged, Tobin would then explain how that area of law is related to or touches tax law. This event provided a valuable platform for students to confront the intricacies of tax law and its far-reaching implications, while also dispelling some of the negative connotations of the tax realm.  

Clinic Instructor Beverly Winstead ‘08 provided an inside look at student opportunities available through the Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic as she described the work of the clinic students and the valuable skills gained through their experience. 

War of Consumer Law 

In October, a very interesting session was the thought-provoking "War of Consumer Law" hosted by Michael Millemann Professor of Consumer Law Jeff Sovern. This engaging event not only examined the intricacies of consumer law but also challenged students to think critically about the lack of protections for consumers such as themselves. Sovern began the event by challenging the audience to a game of consumer law trivia and highlighted some of the largest issues facing the field of consumer protection today, such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act, disclosures, and mandatory binding arbitration. “More people are struck by lightning in the United States every year than win a mandatory binding arbitration case,” Sovern shared. 

Professor Sovern's expertise illuminated the legal challenges consumers face as well as potential career opportunities for students interested in this field. Maryland Carey recently added the newest student chapter of the NACA Consumer Justice Advocates, led by President Dean Marvastian ‘25, who plans to foster a community among student advocates whose interests intersect with consumer protection. 

What Every Law Student Should Know About Investing 

Darrell Braman ‘88, Lecturer of Law, offered valuable insights in his session titled "What Every Law Student Should Know About Investing." Braman shared wisdom on the importance of early financial planning, discussing topics ranging from investing strategies to practical advice on managing student loans. Braman, above all else, stressed two concepts to the assembled students: compound interest and diversification. This event not only empowered our students to make informed financial decisions but also emphasized the role of financial literacy in the life of a legal professional. 

Collectively, these events highlight the commitment of the Business Law Program to provide a holistic legal education that extends beyond the confines of traditional classrooms. By addressing real-world issues and emerging trends, our students are not only gaining a profound understanding of the law but also developing the critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential for success.