Environmental Law Clinic Year in Review

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The Environmental Law Clinic had another terrific year in 2021-2022 focused on environmental justice cases and projects. The Clinic provided extensive support, through complex research and drafting, to pro bono non-profit and private practice attorneys litigating environmental justice oriented cases.   This experience gave students first hand experience in combing through an administrative record, developing an argument, and working with outside legal counsel.   The Clinic also managed multiple inquiries from communities on a variety of legal issues.  The direct communication with community groups allowed students to see that while questions from communities may start as environmental legal issues, they quickly move into a range of other issues related to housing, historic preservation, safety, traffic, and infrastructure.   Finally, the Clinic also had some truly fantastic guest speakers this year, including attorneys working on environmental justice matters in Africa and Europe.   This kind of international component of our clinic class provided students with a window into the idea of environmental justice in a global context.   The Clinic this year had almost entirely 3L’s.  Our environmental law program faculty and staff wish them well and hope that they will take lessons learned in clinic with them throughout their future careers.