Business Law Track Celebrates 22 New Graduates

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Maryland Carey Law’s Business Law Program was thrilled to welcome 22 new graduates to its alumni roster this Spring semester.

Each recognized graduate completed the requirements of the Business Law Track. The track was established to facilitate innovative teaching, practical experience, scholarship, and research with a stated mission of preparing students by focusing on three core aspects of their training:  academic, experiential, and professional development.  The track includes a sequence of courses designed to develop the requisite substantive knowledge of Business Law and related fields combined with an experiential learning component as an introduction to the profession. Students often take advantage of individual mentoring with faculty and practitioners involved with the Business Law Program as well

The Managing Director of the Business Law and IP Programs, Heather Terech, remarked, "It has been a while since I graduated law school, and I believe that this graduation, in my first year as managing director of the Business Law and IP programs, was more enjoyable and satisfying. I have enjoyed getting to know our amazing graduates and share in their joy of their accomplishments." Prior to graduation, the Business Law Program held, in conjunction with the IP Law program, a celebration of our graduates where they received their letter of completion and their glass cube that identifies them as a graduate.

At that ceremony, Michael Van Alstine commended the graduating students for their resilience. “Your graduating class will forever be indelibly linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. It was you that had to, as 1Ls, move to online classes in March of 2020. It was you who spent most of your remaining time in front of a computer screen instead of meeting for drinks and going over your Secured Transactions notes. But in the end, the strength and endurance you have all shown going through law school the way you did will be merely the first footnote to the lasting mark you put on the legal profession.”

Congratulations to our graduates and we wish you the best as you begin your legal careers!

Spring 2022 Business Law Graduates:

Delali Agblevor

Hannah Aponte

Nathanael Buckman

Megan Case

Jessica Cornwell

Justin DeMichael

Denis Egidio

Inioluwa Femi-Fatukasi

Joseph Gregory

Eunice Kabuga

Alex Kim

Kendall Kuntz

Leah Levi

Bridget Maher

Ian Murray

Grace Olubowale

Jason Owens

Randi Rubinstein

Jocelyn Wang

Rose Woolson