Income Taxation

Course Description

Students learn the fundamentals of federal income taxation, with emphasis on the ways in which the tax law develops through the interaction of congressional policy, administrative interpretation and judicial decision. After a brief examination of federal tax policy, the course covers such basic concepts as the nature of income, deductions, accounting for the taxable year and capital gains. This is a basic course designed to provide students with the tax background that they will need in any legal field. It is a prerequisite for advanced tax courses and some advanced business law courses.

Current and Previous Instructors

Key to Codes in Course Descriptions

P: Prerequisite
C: Prerequisite or Concurrent Requirement
R: Recommended Prior or Concurrent Course

Currently Scheduled Sections

CRN: 97698

  • Fall '24
  • 3
  • 460
  • Tues: 12:00-2:00
    Thurs: 12:00-12:55


  • Daniel Goldberg

  • 27 openings. (Limit 50). Second Year Day Preference
  • 596b

  • Federal Income Taxation 9th

    ISBN: 9781647089689

    Federal Income Taxation 15h

    ISBN: 9781647083144

    Selected Sections Federal Income Tax Code and Regulations, 2024-2025

    ISBN: 9798892090773

CRN: 27348

  • Spring '25
  • 3
  • 205
  • Wed: 6:30-9:35


  • Donald Tobin

  • Enrollment Limit: 40