Women, Leadership and Equality Externship
Course Description
This externship is limited to students selected as Zetzer Fellows in the fall semester and is open to upper-class students in the spring semester with faculty approval.
WLE externs may earn academic credit by working for governmental and non-profit national or local organizations that focus on providing legal assistance to women or that work on policy issues affecting women. Students spend 12 hours (3 credits) or 16 hours (4 credits) per week during the semester working under the supervision of lawyers in these organizations on policy initiatives or providing direct legal services to women. Placements may include national organizations like the National Women’s Law Center and local organizations like the House of Ruth,the Tahirih Justice Center and the Women's Law Center of Maryland, as well as state and federal agencies administering programs that advance women’s social and legal equality. Grading is on a Credit/No Credit basis.
Current and Previous Instructors
Key to Codes in Course Descriptions
P: Prerequisite
C: Prerequisite or Concurrent Requirement
R: Recommended Prior or Concurrent Course