Environmental Law Seminar: Clean Air Act

Course Description

This seminar will examine air pollution law and policy under the Clean Air Act. Focusing on leading cases, it will address: EPA’s health-based National Ambient Air Quality Standards and state plans to meet those standards; EPA’s regulation of hazardous air pollutants; the federal emissions trading program to reduce acid rain; Clean Air Act permitting programs; the regulation of air pollution from cars, trucks, and other mobile sources; efforts to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions from stationary and mobile sources; administrative and judicial enforcement mechanisms, including EPA’s enforcement initiative targeting power plant emissions and citizen suits; and stratospheric ozone protection. This seminar will highlight differences between regulatory tools (e.g., health- and technology-based standards, market mechanisms, and information disclosure), issues of federalism, regional collaboration to address air pollution, the administrative process, and judicial review of agency decisions. It will cover a number of current developments. Each student will write a paper on a Clean Air Act topic. Credit/no credit option is available.

Current and Previous Instructors

Key to Codes in Course Descriptions

P: Prerequisite
C: Prerequisite or Concurrent Requirement
R: Recommended Prior or Concurrent Course

Currently Scheduled Sections

CRN: 29249

  • Spring '24
  • 3
  • 473
  • Wed: 7:35-9:35


  • Kim Smaczniak

    Matthew Oakes

  • 8 openings. (Limit 14). Upper Class and Second Year Evening