Gender, Prison and Trauma Clinic
Course Description
The Gender Violence Clinic is a one semester, six credit clinic that represents criminalized survivors of violence—people who have been victims of gender-based violence (intimate partner violence, rape, sexual assault, human trafficking, and violence related to gender identity and/or sexual orientation) and whose incarceration (current or former) is related to in some way to that violence. The course pays particular attention to the experiences of people of color and low income people experiencing violence and abuse. Students primarily (but not exclusively) represent clients in parole, commutation, presidential pardon, and modification of sentence proceedings and may appear before Maryland courts and administrative bodies. Students may also engage in systemic advocacy work through legislative or community education projects.
Current and Previous Instructors
Key to Codes in Course Descriptions
P: Prerequisite
C: Prerequisite or Concurrent Requirement
R: Recommended Prior or Concurrent Course
Currently Scheduled Sections
CRN: 23449
- Spring '25
- 6
Tues: 9:50-11:50
Thurs: 10:55-11:50Day
- Waitlisted. (Limit 6).
Satisfies Cardin Requirement
Paul Bergman (Author), Trial Advocacy in a Nutshell (Nutshells) 6th Edition , West Academic , 2016
ISBN: 9781683282211
David A. Binder | Paul B. Bergman | Paul R. Tremblay | Ian S. Weinstein, Lawyers as Counselors, A Client-Centered Approach 4th Edition , West Academic , 2019
ISBN: 9781640203907