Advanced Torts

Course Description

Advanced Torts goes beyond the basic principles of intentional, negligent, and strict liability torts covered in the introductory course, and introduces students to contemporary tort issues in a variety of specific contexts. Additional areas of tort liability generally not covered in the introductory torts course, including misrepresentation, defamation, and invasion of privacy, will be explored. Advanced Torts will consider alternative compensation systems, their advantages and disadvantages, and their relationships with the torts system, and the relationship between insurance and the tort system, including bad faith claims and liability insurance coverage issues.


Current and Previous Instructors

Key to Codes in Course Descriptions

P: Prerequisite
C: Prerequisite or Concurrent Requirement
R: Recommended Prior or Concurrent Course

Currently Scheduled Sections


  • Spring '25
  • 3
  • 108
  • Tues: 10:25-11:50
    Thurs: 10:25-11:50


  • Enrollment Limit: 30